Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Cedar Lake Contemporary Ballet - The Group to Watch

In the entertainment business, you see this tag line very enough: "A don't-miss event" or "an event not to be missed," etc. And since we see it so often, we become numb to it. Now, I'll admit, we still use the line from time to time but only when WE (as in the staff) feel strongly about it. For example, in the case of Cedar Lake Contemporary Ballet. We have had Cedar Lake here every year for 5 years and WE (the staff) just can't seem to get enough of them (and neither can many of our patrons). Each year, they come with a new piece or program that just wows us. The dancers for Cedar Lake are amazing. They can handle both the choreographed pieces and the pieces that involve some improv with the same ease. And there is something about these dancers that sticks into your brain. I have seen hundreds of dancers come through this theater and yet, I could spot a Cedar Lake dancer out of a crowd if you asked me to. I don't know what it is, I guess they have that "Je ne sais quoi" thing going for them. But, really, if you love dance, you HAVE to them. And if you have never seen a dance performance, this is the group to see. Check them out online at: http://www.cedarlakedance.com/

—Kelly Skinner, Director of Public Relations

Cedar Lake Contemporary Ballet at State Theatre
Friday, April 9, 2010 at 8pm

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